Susan C. O’Brien
Senior Associate
As a former CME manager for a managed care system and a private education company, Sue understands the stresses and pressures of operations in a CME office. Her 20 years in CME has equipped her to address and resolve almost all issues that arise in the daily functions of a busy CME Office. While proficient in all aspects of the ACCME Criteria for Accreditation, Sue also brings several areas of special expertise to clients, including Passin Associates’ senior authority on regularly scheduled series, systems to ensure that proof of compliance is being maintained in client files, and operational policies and procedures. She acts as a virtual CME director for several of SP&A’s clients. As such, she manages the regulatory compliance function for those clients and coordinates and directs onsite client staff in managing the day to day functions of a CME office. Sue also works with clients who have been put on probation or a progress report. She helps to design systems to improve areas that are deficient and provides guidance on changes in the CME environment.